If you’re spending longer on your computer than you would like, trying to meet deadlines or coping with increasing amounts of work you may not be realising the effect it’s having on your body. The more we’re in our heads the less aware we are of our bodies so, when that tightness in our shoulders or neck starts to twinge we’re already a few steps down the wrong route and might need some help getting back where we should be before it gets worse.
We can help in two ways. Firstly manipulating your muscles and tissues, breaking down congestion and triggering release and secondly engaging your conscious and unconscious mind with your body, revitalising the pathways between them so that you’re less likely to fall again. And the more you enter into that state, the more the pattern is reinforced.
The delightful side effect of this is that you’ll be happier in your inner world.
People suffering with stress, anxiety, depression or loneliness know how important our state of mind is and this can be the main focus of massage therapy for anyone.
We also know money is tight so we offer a 10% discount to students. Just mention it when you’re telling us what you need.