Kobido facial

Kobido – Japanese facial treatment with Aleksandra Audziejczyk / Eva Krzyzowska.

90 minutes | £95 (weekend £100)

Kobido is a Japanese face treatment which is oftentimes described as a non-surgical face lift. It is an intensive deep tissue technique which allows for considerable skin rejuvenation achieved in a natural, non-invasive way. Kobido follows ancestral rituals, which make this massage a truly unique experience. During the treatment, the skin will be nourished as well as purified.  It will leave you with more than just a radiant complexion; you will also feel deeply relaxed and peaceful.

  • Tones facial muscles, improves circulation, stimulates collagen production, and increases cellular regeneration.
  • Helps release muscular tensions and, as a result, restores smoothness and elasticity to the skin.
  • Revitalizes muscles, tightens and strengthens skin, making wrinkles less apparent.
  • Relieves stress, headaches, and jaw pain.
  • Practiced regularly, Kobido can help you look and feel younger.  

Kobido brings together the aesthetics of a facial and the benefits of massage in perfect harmony.

“I’ve had 2 treatments of Kobido with Aleksandra and it’s a really unique, rejuvenating experience. As someone who grinds their teeth, I felt a real release of tension in the face and neck. It’s unlike other treatments I’ve had – would recommend!”

Em_Southwest (TripAdvisor) April 2023

Also available as a voucher.

Kobido availability

Fri 24th May

How to book

  1. Give your preferences below.
  2. We’ll send payment details to secure your booking.
  3. Complete a consultation form online (2 days before)
  4. Look forward to your treatment.
Or straight away if booked within 2 days.
You can opt out at any time.